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What’s New in Windows 10 Version 2004: GPU Temperature in the Task Manager - Printable Version

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What’s New in Windows 10 Version 2004: GPU Temperature in the Task Manager - silversurfer - 13 March 20

Quote:The Task Manager continues to be one of the most-used applications in Windows 10, and it happens for a good reason, as it allows users to get a quick look at how everything’s running on their devices, while also offering options to quickly kill a process.
And because Task Manager continues to be such an essential tool in Windows, Microsoft has released several improvements in the last few Windows 10 feature updates – as a matter of fact, the app still lacks a dark mode, which is one of the things users are drooling after, but sooner or later this one should be released as well in a Windows update.
In the upcoming Windows 10 version 2004, however, Microsoft isn’t bringing a dark mode to Task Manager, but a GPU temperature indicator.
While the purpose of this feature is pretty straightforward, it’s important to keep in mind this only works if you have a dedicated GPU card. Otherwise, there’s no temperature to display in Task Manager.
Microsoft says this is one of the most requested features in Windows 10.
“One of the longstanding requests we’ve been tracking for Task Manager is to add temperature monitoring support, and with today’s build we’re making progress on that ask. If you have a dedicated GPU card, we will now bubble up the current temperature next to its listing in the Performance Tab,” it says.

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