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Google Chrome will soon throw security warnings at you that you cannot ignore - Printable Version

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Google Chrome will soon throw security warnings at you that you cannot ignore - harlan4096 - 18 July 24

Quote:Google is changing how Chrome reports potentially malicious file downloads to the user. While the blocking algorithm is not changing, Chrome will display full screen security warnings to the user.

Google Chrome blocks file downloads that its Safe Browsing feature considers malicious. Whether these are indeed malicious or not is not always clear, as Safe Browsing may block access to files that are not.

Google has changed Chrome's Safe Browsing feature several times in recent history. Here are two recent changes: Google changing how Chrome handles dangerous downloadsSoon, Google Chrome will display a different kind of warning when users attempt to download malicious files.  First up is the blocking of the file download.

[Image: chrome-warning-download.png]

Chrome displaying a download warning when it rates a file as maliciousChrome displays the download list and states "dangerous download blocked" in red letters underneath the download.

A click on the download reveals additional information. In the case of the test download, Chrome stated "this file is dangerous".

[Image: this-file-is-dangerous-chrome.png]

Chrome revealing that a file download is dangerousThe only options at this point are to delete the download from the history and to click on a help link. Deleting the download from history removes it from the system.
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