Apple Could Launch the iPhone 9 in April Despite COVID-19
Quote:Apple is reportedly considering rolling out the new iPhone 9 in April, according to unofficial information.
Previously, it was believed the iPhone 9 was scheduled for late March, but it’s pretty clear at this point that this deadline won’t be met. And the coronavirus outbreak is probably the main reason, as Apple must find a way to bring a new iPhone to the market without sales being impacted massively by the virus.
YouTube Jon Prosser said in a tweet today that Apple confirmed in a briefing that the iPhone 9 will be ready to ship in April, albeit the actual date of the launch isn’t yet decided.
The Cupertino-based tech giant is still looking into its options – worth emphasizing is that a device ready to ship doesn’t necessarily mean it ships the same month; the parent company can hold it back for as long as it wants.
But according to Prosser, Apple actually wants to launch the iPhone 9 next month due to “economical pressures and shareholder obligations.”

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