LibreOffice 7.0 approaches half a million downloads in week one
Quote:Last week, The Document Foundation released LibreOffice 7.0 with features such as OpenDocument Format 1.3 support and Vulkan GPU-based acceleration. The Document Foundation has now published some stats about the first week of availability, including the fact the new office suite has been downloaded 422,938 times.
The figure which The Document Foundation has published only represents the stats from the official downloads page so the figure is probably a bit higher as Linux users will download the new version from their respective package managers instead. Only a portion of Linux distributions, however, will have switched to LibreOffice 7.0 because the bigger ones like Ubuntu and Linux Mint are still offering LibreOffice 6.4 in their latest distributions.
Aside from download figures, The Document Foundation revealed how many times the press release had been viewed, how many impressions the announcement Tweet received, how many views the overview video received, and how many times the announcement was upvoted on Reddit. The press release saw 113,235 hits, there were 54,079 Tweet impressions, 48,874 video views, and 1,509 upvotes on Reddit.
If you're looking for an office suite and can’t afford Microsoft Office, LibreOffice 7.0 might be a suitable alternative for you. One of the focuses during the last development cycle was improved support for Microsoft files in LibreOffice; if you’ve ever run into compatibility issues before, be sure to try again as the latest release may have fixed your problem.
Source: The Document Foundation Via: Phoronix

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