NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5
Quote:We have released OSArmor v1.9.1, here is the changelog:
[10-Dec-2023] v1.9.1.0

+ Fixed all reported false positives
+ Added more signers to Trusted Vendors list
+ Added "Reset Stats" button on "Blocked Processes" section
+ Improved parsing of Custom Blocks and Exclusions rules
+ Improved retrieval of signer from a digitally signed process
+ Improved internal rules to detect suspicious behaviors
+ Minor improvements

If you have automatic updates enabled then OSArmor should auto-update in the next hours.

Else you can install it "over-the-top" of the installed version, reboot is not needed.

In case you used test builds you need to install this final release "over-the-top".
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • dinosaur07, jasonX
Quote:We have released OSArmor v1.9.3.

Here is the changelog:

[02-Feb-2024] v1.9.3.0

+ Fixed all reported false positives
+ Fixed a typo on the main UI
+ Fixed wrong Passive Logging tray icon on PC restart
+ Various improvements on the main UI functionality
+ Added more signers to Trusted Vendors list
+ Disabled auto-resize of columns on Configurator rules list
+ Ask for password also on alert window buttons
+ Minor improvements

If you have automatic updates enabled then OSArmor should auto-update in the next hours.

Else you can install it "over-the-top" of the installed version, reboot is not needed.

In case you used test builds you need to install this final release "over-the-top".
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • jasonX
Quote:Here is the changelog:
[24-Feb-2024] v1.9.5.0

+ Fixed all reported false positives
+ Added more signers to Trusted Vendors list
+ Improved creation of exclusion rules on Exclusions Helper
+ Improved creation of exclusion rules on Events Viewer
+ Added "Remove All Vendors" on More Actions of Trusted Vendors tab
+ Minor improvements

If you have automatic updates enabled then OSArmor should auto-update in the next hours.

Else you can install it "over-the-top" of the installed version, reboot is not needed.

In case you used test builds you need to install this final release "over-the-top".
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • jasonX
Quote:We have released OSArmor v1.9.6:

+ Fixed all reported false positives
+ Added more signers to Trusted Vendors list

Download OSArmor for Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 (32 & 64-bit) | OSArmor
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • jasonX
Quote:OSArmor v1.9.7 released:

[11-Mar-2024] v1.9.7.0
+ Fixed all reported false positives
+ Added option "Export Logs to Desktop" on tray icon menu
+ Updated NoVirusThanks License Manager with latest version
+ On "New Vendors Added" window show also filenames
+ Play system sounds when message dialogs are displayed
+ Removed Exit button on main menu of Configurator

If you have automatic updates enabled then OSArmor should auto-update in the next hours.

Else you can install it "over-the-top" of the installed version, reboot is not needed.

In case you used test builds you need to install this final release "over-the-top".

If you find false positives or issues please let me know.

// Additional details:
This new option in the tray icon menu "Export Logs to Desktop" should make things easier when we ask a customer to send us the log files: now it is only needed to right-click on OSA tray icon -> "Export Logs to Desktop" and a file named will be created on the Desktop folder and it can then be sent to us easily.

And about "On "New Vendors Added" window show also filenames": along with the vendor it now shows also the filename from where the vendor was extracted.

Download OSArmor for Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 (32 & 64-bit) | OSArmor
Quote:OSArmor v1.9.8 has been released.

Changelog - 7 Apr 2024:

+ Fixed all reported false positives
+ Updated NoVirusThanks License Manager with latest version
+ Added more signers to Trusted Vendors list
+ Improved internal rules to detect suspicious behaviors
+ Minor improvements
Quote:OSArmor v1.9.9 released:

[16-May-2024] v1.9.9.0

+ Fixed all reported false positives
+ Added Block execution of Quick Assist
+ Added Block suspicious and uncommon PowerShell commands
+ Improved Block execution of Remote Access Tools (E.g TeamViewer)
+ Merged some user-selectable protection options
+ Added more signers to Trusted Vendors list
+ Minor improvements

[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • jasonX
Quote:OSArmor has been updated to v2.0.0.0.


+ Save log files in YYYY-MM-DD.log format
+ Save date/time in log files in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mmConfuseds format
+ Save also date/time in UTC
+ Added more JSON data on HTTP POST request (Enterprise version)
+ Minor improvements

Quote:We have released OSArmor v2.0.1:

Here is the changelog:
[30-May-2024] v2.0.1.0

+ Added OSArmor Version and Action on log files
+ Added more details on StartUp Folder Protection events
+ Added option to set a custom request header (e.g X-Api-Key: ...)
+ Added option to send old logs to the remote URL and remove local log files
+ Local log files are removed only if remote URL returned 200 status code
+ If a single event failed to be sent to the remote URL it is kept in the log file
+ Added option to ping (POST) a remote URL every 15 minutes
+ Added more JSON data on HTTP POST request
+ Changed JSON fields format of HTTP POST requests in snake_case
+ Added "Example JSON data sent" on Enterprise tab
+ Better organized the Enterprise tab content
+ Updated Events Viewer
+ Minor improvements

If you have automatic updates enabled then OSArmor should auto-update in the next hours.

Else you can install it "over-the-top" of the installed version, reboot is not needed.

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