[UDEMY] [100% OFF] From 0 to 1: Design Patterns - 24 That Matter - In Java, $50
From 0 to 1: Design Patterns - 24 That Matter - In Java

An intensely practical, deeply thoughtful and quirky look at 24 Design Patterns. Instructors are ex-Google, Stanford.

11.5 hours on-demand video
12 Supplemental Resources
Full lifetime access

What Will I Learn?
  • Identify situations that call for the use of a Design Pattern
  • Understand each of 24 Design Patterns - when, how, why and why not to use them
  • Distill the principles that lie behind the Design Patterns, and apply these in coding and in life, whether or not a Design Pattern is needed
  • Spot programming idioms that are actually built on Design Patterns, but that are now hiding in plain sight

Prerequisites: Basic understanding of Java
Taught by a Stanford-educated, ex-Googler, husband-wife team
More than 50 real-world examples

This is an intensely practical, deeply thoughtful, and quirky take on 24 Design Patterns that matter.

Let’s parse that.
  • The course is intensely practical, bursting with examples - the more important patterns have 3-6 examples each. More than 50 real-world Java examples in total.

  • The course is deeply thoughtful, and it will coax and cajole you into thinking about the irreducible core of an idea - in the context of other patterns, overall programming idioms and evolution in usage.

  • The course is also quirky. The examples are irreverent. Lots of little touches: repetition, zooming out so we remember the big picture, active learning with plenty of quizzes. There’s also a peppy soundtrack, and art - all shown by studies to improve cognition and recall.

  • Lastly, the patterns matter because each of these 24 is a canonical solution to recurring problems.

What's Covered:
  • Decorator, Factory, Abstract Factory, Strategy, Singleton, Adapter, Facade, Template, Iterator, MVC, Observer, Command, Composite, Builder, Chain of Responsibility, Memento, Visitor, State, Flyweight, Bridge, Mediator, Prototype, Proxy, Double-Checked Locking and Dependency Injection.

  • The only GoF pattern not covered is the Interpreter pattern, which we felt was too specialized and too far from today’s programming idiom; instead we include an increasingly important non-GoF pattern, Dependency Injection.

  • Examples: Java Filestreams, Reflection, XML specification of UIs, Database handlers, Comparators, Document Auto-summarization, Python Iterator classes, Tables and Charts, Threading, Media players, Lambda functions, Menus, Undo/Redo functionality, Animations, SQL Query Builders, Exception handling, Activity Logging, Immutability of Strings, Remote Method Invocation, Serializable and Cloneable, networking.

  • Dependency Inversion, Demeter’s Law, the Open-Closed Principle, loose and tight coupling, the differences between frameworks, libraries and design patterns.


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