Power Audio Editor [Mac]
[Image: power-audio-editor-2didi.png]
Power Audio Editor is a muti-track full featured audio editor and recorder with copy, paste, mix, trim and split abilities plus all the filters and transformations expected of a professional audio editor. The program is document based. You can edit and apply filters and transformations to multiple open audio tracks on one single user interface and you can also split, trim, copy and paste and even paste mixing among many other possibilities. Power Audio Editor supports these operations, filters and transformations: Split, Silence, Amplify, Normalise, Bass and Treble, Pitch, Speed, Tempo, Echo, Fade-In, Fade-Out, Phaser, Flanger, Chorus, Reverse, Reverb, Tremolo, Compand, Equalizer, Noise Reduction, High Pass, Low Pass, Band Pass, Band Reject, Bend, DC Shift, Contrast, Biquad, De-emphasis, Earwax, Out Of Phase Stereo and RIAA. Plus the user can mix and concatenate any number of audio tracks in whichever order and position required.


System Requirements:
OSX 7 or higher

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