06 January 18, 08:33
What's new in version (05.01.2018)
- Fixed: After the fix that made it possible to deselect the last selected entry,
double click doesn't work anymore as expected in Rules Panel and Connections Log.
- Fixed: Properties dialog of the program is displayed under notification dialog
instead of on top of it.
- Fixed: When creating a new rule in WFC, if the 'Name' or 'Description' contain
special characters, they are removed even if the same values are valid when creating
the same rule from WFwAS.
- Fixed: Sorting by 'Action' column does not work in Rules Panel and Connections Log.
I just updated and everything is just fine
![[Image: clear.png]](https://malwaretips.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png)
![[Image: clear.png]](https://malwaretips.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png)
Download: https://www.binisoft.org/wfc.php
![[Image: Danielx64.gif]](https://nick-name.ru/forumt4/Danielx64.gif)