11 November 17, 13:13
Free MP3 Cutter and Editor 2.8 (extremely easy to use)
Cut and edit MP3 files with this simple and intuitive application that offers a number of easy-to-use options for editing your audio tracks.
Free MP3 Cutter and Editor - this software is designed to help you cut and make small adjustments to your audio tracks MP3 and WAV.
Features of Direct User Interface
Since this is an advertising product, you must be careful during the installation process, because it offers downloading unnecessary third-party components and making some changes to your web browser
The tool interface is simple and simple, consisting of several buttons and a panel for viewing waveforms. Therefore, all types of users should be able to learn how to easily manage.
Download items, play and cut them
As noted above, this utility only supports MP3 and WAV files, and you can download the audio track using the file browser or the drag and drop function.
You can split the audio file by specifying the start and end point and save the song in one of the above formats.
In addition, you can play the song, select and deselect everything, adjust the volume of the audio file (perhaps maximize it), apply fading and output and convert the song to mono or stereo.
Conclusion and presentation
The help file is not available, but this is because the Free MP3 Cutter and Editor are extremely easy to use. However, for this application, there are not enough functions to work with the MP3 editing tool (for example, you can not insert silence or crop a song).
Taking into account all this, Free MP3 Cutter and Editor are simple and easy to use. We recommend mostly to inexperienced people.
Free MP3 Cutter and Editor - a simple tool for editing mp3 files.
Version: 2.8
System requirements: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7
Version: 2.8
System requirements: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7