Google makes it easier to find live sports and TV shows in Search
Quote:Google is once again making some improvements to its search engine, this time around with a focus on live sports and TV shows. The company wants to make it easier for users to find and watch live TV content through Search.
For sports, Google is starting by surfacing results for games in the NBA and MLB. If you search for "how to the dodgers game", you'll be presented with a list of channels broadcasting the game. You can also simply search for "dodgers game" to get live scores, standings, and top stories related to the game, as well as links to where you can watch it live if you want to. Google says it will keep expanding with support for networks over time.
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If you're looking for other kinds of TV shows, you can search for "what to watch" and Google will present a series of recommendations not only for movies and TV shows on streaming services, but also live TV content. The results are presented in a carousel, and there's categories for shows that are live at that moment, or shows that will air later so you can plan ahead.

These features are rolling out today to users in the United States, with no indication of availability elsewhere. The feature is also exclusive to mobile devices, and again, there's no indication that it's coming to desktop.

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