Aussies can save their vaccination cards via Google Pay
[Image: Aussies-can-save-their-vaccination-cards...le-Pay.jpg]

Google Pay has announced that all users who have an existing Google Pay account can now save a copy of their certificate on the app. This means that they will have it on hand and readily available to show at any public places such as restaurants to prove their status.

The world is slowly starting to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic that affected the globe. With the rise in restrictions in public spaces, the app certainly makes it more convenient to save your vaccination information.

A similar feature was already rolled out to US citizens in June when Google updated the Passes API. This update allowed developers affiliated with healthcare organizations and agencies to develop a digital card that can then be used to demonstrate a person's vaccination status. Australians can also log into the

Medicare website after receiving their second dose and view their digital certificate online.

Google Pay will display all relevant information, such as the type of vaccine received and when the vaccine was administered. This data is stored internally on your Android device, so you don't need to worry about saving it on some Google server somewhere. You'll also need to input the password, pin, and biometrical data associated with your device when you want to access your certificate. This adds greater security and privacy to the data.

Another benefit of this feature from Google Pay is that users will be able to access their vaccination certificate at any time. This includes if they are in an area with no Wi-Fi connection or if they are out of mobile data.

Closing words

It's nice to see some technology giants taking things seriously and making it easier for users to do the responsible thing in a recovering world. We hope that Google Pay will continue rolling out this feature to more countries in the near future.
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