25 January 18, 07:58
True Haunted Houses: Lets Go Inside: In Search Of The Worlds Creepiest Houses (Unexplained Phenomena Book 2)
Let's Go Inside: In Search Of The Worlds Creepiest Houses ...
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Haunted houses are scattered across America, some more effective at attracting and retaining spirits than others. The sheer variety of ghosts is stunning - there are malicious spirits, the angry and restless ghosts and the benevolent and even positive apparitions.
Paranormal investigators have used sophisticated equipment to record and understand the ghosts and spirits they found in each haunted house. Despite all that, they gain their energy or how they function.
The ghosts mentioned in this collection are mostly benevolent and intend no harm to anyone. There are a few spirits that go as far as to be protective and supportive instead of meddling and causing havoc.
Product details
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 1668.0 KB
Print Length: 80 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled