Full version - Cyberlink PhotoDirector 8 Ultra
PhotoDirector 8 Ultra makes photo editing easier and more efficient. Powerful and versatile features such as layer editing, blurring effects and numerous color templates open up new creative possibilities for the user. Intuitive photo management capabilities round off PhotoDirector as an all-in-one solution for the user.
Visit Registration/giveaway link below
It's in German language
Fill the online form as follows
Anrede = salutation- Herr=Sir/Frau=Mrs
Vorname = first name
Nachname = last name
email address
Straße = street
PLZ, Ort = Zip/City
Finally, hit the ‘Submit’ button
Next you will receive a confirmation email from “service@ielements-projects.de”. In the email, click the provided link. Then you will receive another email with PhotoDirector 8 Ultra license code.
Download installer of PhotoDirector 8 for Windows
Download installer of PhotoDirector 8 for Mac