09 October 19, 07:48
Quote:When you chat with your friend or a loved one, the messages you enter travel a long way across the network. A lot can happen along the way. End to end encryption is one way to protect your data, but is it right for everyone?Full read : https://nordvpn.com/blog/what-is-end-to-end-encryption/
What is encryption?Encryption is the encoding of a message so that only the intended addressee can decode it. Encryption software turns your message into an indecipherable sequence called ciphertext. Even if someone gets hold of your message, they won’t be able to access the encrypted data unless they have the key. Military-grade encryption is virtually impossible to crack as it uses 256-bit keys that generate 2^256 possible combinations. There are no supercomputers yet that can crack such a key within a reasonable amount of time.
Types of encryptionSymmetric encryptionSymmetric encryption is when a sender and a receiver use the same private encryption key to decode and encode an encrypted message.
The main drawback is that the key should be shared between the parties. Unless a secure tunnel is established, an interceptor might snatch the key and decipher the message.