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Intel Unveils World’s First Optical Interconnect, Utilizing The Power of Photonics
Quote:Intel has achieved a breakthrough in the photonics segment, unveiling the world's first fully integrated optical compute interconnect for emerging AI markets.

Intel's Newest Interconnect Solution Targets To Replace Traditional I/O Connections Through Newer Standards

When we talk about the world of interconnects and how vital they have been for the AI markets, the prospects of photonics are discussed plenty of times, and it looks like Team Blue has finally come up with a solution. Their newest press release reveals that Intel's Integrated Photonics Solutions (IPS) Group has developed the industry's first OCI interconnect chiplet, which is seen as a gigantic milestone for the markets, considering the performance improvements the technology will bring onboard.
 [Image: Intel-Silicon-Photonics-Optical-Intercon...ons-_3.png]
Quote:The ever-increasing movement of data from server to server is straining the capabilities of today’s data center infrastructure, and current solutions are rapidly approaching the practical limits of electrical I/O performance. However, Intel’s groundbreaking achievement empowers customers to seamlessly integrate co-packaged silicon photonics interconnect solutions into next-generation compute systems.

Our OCI chiplet boosts bandwidth, reduces power consumption and increases reach, enabling ML workload acceleration that promises to revolutionize high-performance AI infrastructure

- Thomas Liljeberg, Senior Director, Product Management and Strategy, Integrated Photonics Solutions (IPS) Group

Diving into the specifics, Intel says that their newest OCI chiplet offers significantly higher bandwidth data transfer through co-packaged optical input/output and supports up to 64 channels at 32 Gbps data transmission speeds. Some of the benefits of optical I/O interconnects include:
  • Better Bandwidth
  • Higher Energy Efficiency
  • Lower Latency
  • Longer Reach
The technology can also scale up distances, now supporting up to 100 meters of fiber optics. Compared to the traditional "Electrical I/O," Team Blue has increased distances by a whopping 100 times, a massive milestone for the AI markets. The firm says that going from electrical to optical is like switching from "horse carriages" to "motor vehicles," so you can imagine the extent of improvements we are discussing.
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