22 January 25, 10:04
Quote:The first update of 2025 for the open source encryption software VeraCrypt is now available. VeraCrypt 1.26.18 is a security update that is also introducing a number of fixes and other changes, including dropped support for 32-bit versions of Windows.
The details:What is VeryCrypt?
- VeraCrypt 1.26.18 fixes two security issues affecting the Linux and Mac versions of the software.
- On Windows, 32-bit support has been dropped.
- The minimum Windows version is now Windows 10 version 1809.
VeraCrypt is an encryption software that you may use to encrypt entire systems, drives, partitions, or protected containers on storage devices.
Tips:Downloading and installing the VeraCrypt updateVeraCrypt comes without built-in updating support. This means that you need to download and install the new release manually. First thing you may want to do is check the current version.
- Fix the VeraCrypt "Automatic Repair" issue on Windows
- How to change the PIM of a VeraCrypt volume
- Installing VeraCrypt in GNU/Linux
Tip: you can check the current version by selecting Help > About VeraCrypt in the interface.
While you may visit the official downloads page, you may notice that it does not link to the latest version just yet. Check the project's SourceForge repository instead. There you find the latest downloads. Note that the installation requires a reboot.
The security fixesVeraCrypt 1.26.18 fixes two security issues that affect the Linux and Mac versions of the encryption software. They are:Additional details have not been published at the time of writing.
- CVE-2024-54187: Added absolute paths when executing system binaries to prevent path hijacking
- CVE-2025-23021: Prevent mounting volumes on system directories and PATH
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