21 November 18, 19:44
Quote:Trickbot’s latest trick involves the addition of a point-of-sale (POS) malware making the already modular banking trojan more dangerous.
The new modules scan for indicators if the infected devices is connected to a network that supports POS services and machines although researchers haven’t fully grasped the capabilities or intentions of the these actions, according to a Nov. 21 blog post.
“We’re currently investigating how the malware authors could leverage this information, given that they have successfully infiltrated the network with POS-related services installed but stop short of getting specific data such as credit card, ATM or other banking-related information,” researchers said in the post. “It’s possible that the cyber actors are gathering information at this stage in preparation for future intrusions.”
Source: https://www.scmagazine.com/home/security...s-feature/