Netflix now helps you avoid accidental touches on mobile with a 'screen lock' feature
Quote:Netflix has rolled out a new feature to its mobile app designed to let you lock the screen in order to prevent accidental taps on a button. The screen lock tool is now available on Android handsets (via 9to5Google).
The new feature will show up at the bottom of the screen when you start watching a movie or series. It sits alongside the usual buttons such as "episodes" for series and "audio & subtitle" for movies. Once you enable the screen lock button, the app prevents the "Play" and "Pause" buttons as well as the timeline seeker from popping up when you tap the screen, accidentally or otherwise. This helps to stop unintended pauses in any situation.

[Image: 1587427186_img_20200421_072125.jpg]

However, the feature has certain limitations. For example, it doesn't prevent swipe gestures in Android such as swiping to the left or right of the screen to go back or swiping from the bottom up to visit the home page of your phone. In order to unlock the screen, simply tap it and an unlock button will appear. You'll need to tap it twice to restore the usual buttons. There's no mention, though, of the feature's iOS availability.

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