Quote:Earlier this month, Microsoft said that it was taking a couple of weeks off from updating its Edge browser in the Dev and Beta branches. Today, it has returned with the release of Edge Dev version 85.0.564.8, and it actually has a bunch of new features.
While the list of new features is long, it mostly consists of minor improvements. Here's the full list:
- Added a button to the PDF toolbar for highlighting text.
- Added the ability to undo certain actions in Collections.
- Added the ability to reorder the extension icons on the toolbar using a keyboard shortcut (Alt + Shift + arrows).
- Added an option to the … menu for each item that appears on the Downloads shelf to report it as a safe or unsafe file (which option appears is dependent on SmartScreen’s determination of the file’s safety).
- Added the ability to import certain settings and cookies from Internet Explorer.
- Added a management policy to Exempt Domain File Type Pairs From File Type Download Warnings. Note that Administrative Templates will come later.
- Added a management policy to control New Tab Page Allowed Background Types. Note that Administrative Templates will come later.
- Added a management policy to control pre-rendering of the new tab page. Note that administrative templates will come later.
- Enabled support for the Chromium management policy for Intensive Wake Up Throttling.
- Added support for the Chromium management policy to Auto Launch Protocols From Origins, which allows admins to define a list of protocols that can launch an external application from listed origins without a prompt.
- Added a feature to Kiosk Mode to close the browser when it’s idle (with the time limit being adjustable).
- Added an alert to the … menu of installed websites and apps when Edge has an update ready to be installed.
Read more: https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-re...w-features