Ashampoo PDF PRO 3 is HERE!
Ashampoo PDF Pro 3 is HERE!
[Image: OqZ2BbH.gif]

Ashampoo PDF Pro 3 is a powerful PDF editor to create, convert, edit and sign PDF documents. Ashampoo PDF Pro 3 is the complete solution to manage and edit your PDF documents. The program has everything you need to create, convert, edit, merge and protect your PDFs. Create perfectly sized documents that are readable on any device and use encryption to protect your property when needed. 

Ashampoo PDF Pro 3 is the newest version build of Ashampoo's PDF application. The first release of Ashampoo PDF was last 2021-Nov-11. Ashampoo PDF Pro 3 version 3.0.6 is the latest/up-to-date version.  PDFs are now as easily editable as Word documents and users can modify them the same way they would modify text documents in a word processor. Ashampoo PDF Pro 3 supports multiple popular formats (Microsoft Word, RTF, HTML, EPUB, JPEG etc.) for easy document exchange, e.g. with Microsoft Excel. 

[Image: xIAKC50.gif]

[Image: WpCZYUj.gif]

Handy elegant ribbon-based interface
Ashampoo PDF Pro 3 comes with a nifty ribbon-based interface with an eye-friendly dark mode as well as a customizable quick access bar and space-efficient fold-out elements. Furthermore, the status bar now features seamless zooming and work modes are switchable at the click of a button. In addition, comparing documents is now faster and more precise than ever before thanks to a new compare algorithm.

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[Image: FKTnlOS.gif]

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Stress-free ergonomic "dark theme"
Ashampoo® PDF Pro 3 comes with a dark mode that reduces eye fatigue and lets you work for longer periods, and be more productive, without breaks, at home and in the office! Say goodbye to the all those white portions that causes your eys to be fatigue!
[Image: aDKhymN.gif]

Ashampoo PDF Pro 3 comes with the new "screenshot tool" so you can capture any portion of your document quickly and easily with custom formats, resolutions and color depths, including alpha channel support. Simply capture the parts that really matter to you!

Ashampoo® PDF Pro 3 now comes with customize the quick-access bar catering to the user's needs! User's of Ashampoo® Office may be familiar with the quick-access toolbar below the ribbon, now Ashampoo® PDF Pro 3 now also offers instant access to essential functions in a single customizable bar. User's will now get to decide which functions best support your work flow for maximum utility and efficiency. Adaptability to user preference! 
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Edit PDFs as quickly and easily!
With Ashampoo® PDF Pro 3, editing PDFs becomes as easy as editing text documents with an excellent word processorLearning curve is cut short for any user because Ashampoo® PDF Pro 3 makes it easier just like in Microsoft Word, Ashampoo® Write or any other Office program. 

Ashampoo PDF Pro is the comfortable way to add comments to your PDFs, highlight important passages or add drawings for clarification. Built-in stamps like "Approved!" or "Confidential!" further help you mark up your documents. In addition, Ashampoo PDF Pro also allows the user to use his own "stamps" and "watermark" image files. 

Text Editing
Ashampoo PDF enables the user to edit text in a PDF document just like using a regular word processor. From the toolbar select the  "Text tool". Click the mouse on the text to be edited. After a short pause, while Ashampoo PDF prepares the page for editing, you can start editing. In the example shown, the text for edit is "with over 140 million downloads" and "-- from Google Play Store!". The new target text content is "with over 140 plus million downloads" and, "-- from Google Play Store and Apple App Store!"

[Image: yue7552.gif]

[Image: BSTBAtW.gif]

[Image: 6sNLZbZ.gif]

Insert and use images from PDF files the easy way!
Working with graphics and drawings is easy with Ashampoo PDF. Insert, edit, move and crop objects as needed. You can even use them as watermarks to protect your intellectual property or clone them for easy reuse.

[Image: ca8mF83.gif]

[Image: 8WSMqPp.gif]

[Image: O09osEI.gif]

Let it be noted that a text box will automatically grow or shrink until he user/editor re-shapes/adjusts the box. After which it remains whatever shape he(the user/editor) made it and will become ‘overset’ if he(the user/editor) tries to enter too much text.

Overset text
During the typing of text for edit, Ashampoo PDF will enlarge the text box to ensure all your text will fit. However, as soon as you resize the box yourself (by dragging the resize handles), Ashampoo PDF stops this automatic adjustment and leaves the box at the size you set it. From this point on, any that overflows the box will be hidden and a small, red ‘overset’ box will appear in the bottom right-hand corner of the text box to warn you that some text cannot be seen. 

To reveal the overset text, make the text box larger or connect it to another text box so the text can flow between them. This text contains overset text. This is indicated by the small red square in the bottom right of the frame. Resize the box to reveal the hidden text.

Alternatively, the you(the user) can: (i) click on the overset symbol, and (ii) drag-out a new text box. The overset text will flow from the old text box into the new one.

[Image: ClsmDA1.gif]

Spell Checking
Editing especially the addition and correction of text content, it is very useful to check the spelling added. 
You can check the spelling of words in three ways:
  • check just the words in a text selection 
  • check words in active text blocks 
  • check the whole document (if there is no active text block)

The spell check dialogue box is accessed from Edit > Check Spelling menu or by pressing the F7 function key.
[Image: uUA3RxV.gif]

Ashampoo PDF provides the user options to to fill-in both "interactive" and "non-interactive forms" with ease. An "interactive form" is a specially prepared PDF which contains interactive elements like text boxes, buttons and lists. You can interact with these, supplying text and making selections. You can then save, print or send this filled-in PDF to others via email.

A "non-interactive form" (traditional paper forms) is simply a PDF version of a traditional paper form. Normally this would have to be printed out then filled-in by hand. With Ashampoo PDF, you can use the T+ tool to fill-in text fields and check boxes, speeding up the entire process while keeping the form entirely digital and available to email to a third party. When started in Form Filler mode, Ashampoo PDF offers simplified menus and toolbars for the purpose of filling-in forms. In this mode Ashampoo PDF does not add watermarks to edited documents.

[Image: uZcv8A7.gif]

OCR corrections
The integrated text recognition (OCR) instantly converts scanned text into computer-editable text. 
It is common knowledge that some scanner applications place scans as "images" in PDF files, but invisibly add their textual content behind the images. This results in the scanned pages keeping their original layout, but making them at the same time searchable. You can create such hybrid files with Ashampoo PDF, too, by choosing “Searchable PDF” when performing OCR.  In order to correct errors in this hidden text, you can make the text visible in Ashampoo PDF.
Let it be noted that the user should make sure you have a backup of the PDF before you start this mode.

Open the target PDF document to be corrected then choose Document > OCR Corrections > Start.
Choose the “Start OCR mode” option to begin. The hidden text becomes visible, the scanned image faded and locked to make editing easier. 

[Image: ElzAEwB.gif]

Export PDF to Microsoft Word format
To export a PDF document to Microsoft Word format, you(the user) needs to just open the PDF documentthen select "File > Export > Page As..." From there the "Export Pages" dialogue box woll appear where you can select your preference, (i) Page Range, and (ii) Format. Click "Format" then select "Text Output" drop-down list and choose "Microsoft Word". Click "OK" to go back to the "Export Pages" dialogue box from there select "OK" to commence exporting of the PDF document.  

[Image: mknLXAc.gif]

To convert a PDF into HTML, text or RTF or to export the images within a PDF, you also must use the File > Export menu. Ashampoo PDF Pro 3 can also export a document on a page-by-page basis or an article-by-article bases. Ashampoo PDF can convert an entire PDF or range of pages to other formats such as HTML and ePub. The conversion reformats the text and images, areas marked for rendering and tabular regions. You can export by page range or by article thread (see “Exporting article threads” on page 184), individual images or tables.

[Image: OJm4PSl.gif]

Joining Multiple PDFs
Ashampoo PDF Pro 3 can quickly join multiple PDF documents into a single document. Go to "Document > Join". The "Join Files" dialogue box will appear where to need to select " Add Files..." and select the PDF files you want to join into 1 PDF document. Repeat this procesdure for the second PDF you want to join. Once selected you will see the two (2) PDF documents selected where the number of "pages" and the "range" is also shown. To commence joining the PDF documents, hit "Join". 

You will need to assign a file name for the to-be "merged document. Once the creation of the document is complete, a pop-up will appear asking you if you would like to open the newly-created (merged) document. 

Note: Ashampoo PDF will reject encrypted PDFs. Remove any passwords and encryption from all files before trying to join.

[Image: ZBWriTH.gif]

Split PDF Documents
Ashampoo PDF Pro 3 can split PDF documents into separate files/documents. Go to "Document > Split". The "Split Document" dialogue box will appear where to need to enter the number of pages for each new file. You will need to select a folder location where the "extracted" PDF pages will be saved. 

[Image: RZKBvuN.gif]

PDF Security
Check the security settings of a PDF document via "Document > Security" from the main menu. If the document has been "secured", the security dialogue box will display with most controls inactive (greyed-out). However the controls still show the current security settings such as whether or not editing is allowed.

For document security, sensitive information can be blacked out and documents protected with AES encryption. Ashampoo PDF Pro 3 supports the following password-based security levels:
  • Acrobat 3 onwards (40 bit) 
  • Acrobat 5 onwards (128-bit) 
  • Acrobat 6 onwards (128-bit) 
  • Acrobat 7 onwards (128-bit AES)
  • Acrobat X onwards (256-bit AES)

If enabled, click "Unlock" to change security settings. Inactive controls show the current security settings for the PDF.

If the PDF document does not have an existing Master password, you (the user) can edit the document. However, if the PDF has an existing Master password, you will have to enter it now. If you do not know the password, you will not be able to alter any of the security settings

The "Master password" is required to change the security settings for the PDF document. The "User Password" is required to open / view the "secured" PDF document. 

Notes: If you forget the User password, you will not be able to open the PDF. If you forget the Master password, you will not be able to alter the security settings in future.

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For long-term digital preservation, we've added PDF/A export, while digital signatures help users add an extra layer of security to their important documents. 

Watermarking pages
Ashampoo PDF Pro 3 allows the user to apply a fixed watermark to the "foreground" or "background" of the existing page content of a document.  The watermark itself is defined in another PDF and can contain anything you like such as a logo or text. With the document to be watermarked already open, choose: Document > Watermark > Add.

In the "Add Watermark" dialogue box, press the "Browse" button to select the location of your preferred watermark file. Press "Built in..." to select a predefined watermark PDFs that ships with the software. If the chosen PDF has multiple pages, Ashampoo PDF will use only the first as the watermark.

[Image: b2NVJPB.gif]

[Image: gk2AiUy.gif]

Choose whether you want the watermark to appear in "front of" or "behind" the existing page contents on each page. You can also choose to resize the watermark so that it fits the pages it is being applied to. When resizing, Ashampoo PDF scales the watermark so that it’s crop box matches the destination 

  • Includes virtual PDF printer for PDF creation from any program
  • Handy elegant ribbon-based interface
  • Eye-friendly dark mode for increased productivity
  • Fast one-click switching between work modes
  • Customizable accessbar with all important functions
  • Seamless document zoom
  • New fold-out elements for access to essential features
  • Digital signatures for more trustworthy PDFs
  • Fast and precise document comparisons
  • PDF/A for long-term digital document preservation

Latest Build is Ashampoo PDF Pro v3.0.7  (2022/11/03)
Ashampoo PDF Pro 3  Your new PDF editor
Ashampoo PDF Pro 3  9 tips for effectively working with PDFs

[Image: RRDH2Ig.gif]
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