16 October 18, 06:51
Quote:For the last two years we have been monitoring a Russian-language cyberespionage actor that focuses on Central Asian users and diplomatic entities. We named the actor DustSquad and have provided private intelligence reports to our customers on four of their campaigns involving custom Android and Windows malware. In this blogpost we cover a malicious program for Windows called Octopus that mostly targets diplomatic entities.Full reading: https://securelist.com/octopus-infested-...sia/88200/
The name was originally coined by ESET in 2017 after the 0ct0pus3.php script used by the actor on their old C2 servers. We also started monitoring the malware and, using Kaspersky Attribution Engine based on similarity algorithms, discovered that Octopus is related to DustSquad, something we reported in April 2018. In our telemetry we tracked this campaign back to 2014 in the former Soviet republics of Central Asia (still mostly Russian-speaking), plus Afghanistan.
In the case of Octopus, DustSquad used Delphi as their programming language of choice, which is unusual for such an actor. Among others exceptions are the Russian-language Zebrocy (Sofacy’s Delphi malware), the Hindi-language DroppingElephant and the Turkish-language StrongPity. Although we detected Octopus victims that were also infected with Zebrocy/Sofacy, we didn’t find any strong similarities and we don’t consider the two actors to be related.