15 years of Emsisoft Anti-Malware
[Image: blog-ems15oft.png]
Quote:From an anti-trojan tool to a full anti-malware solution: 15 years of Emsisoft Anti-Malware

The year is 2003.

Finding Nemo is making a splash on the big screen, Arnold Schwarzenegger is about to be elected governor of California and a little-known company by the name of Emsisoft has just been born.

Fast forward to today, and it’s clear a lot has changed. As a company, we’ve continued to evolve while staying true to our original values: providing great customer service and quality malware protection.

In celebration of our 15th anniversary, join us for a walk down memory lane as we take a look back at how Emsisoft has grown and what we’ve accomplished over the years. We’re also running a very special $15 for 15 promotion – for the next 15 days, you can get a one-year license of Emsisoft Anti-Malware Home for just $15!

2003-2007: Genesis

2003, the year it all began. Emsisoft is founded in Austria and the company’s very first product is released in the form of a² Personal (a-squared), a malware scanner that sports a very early noughties design (in the words of Emsisoft Founder Christian Mairoll: “What was I thinking!”).
Full reading: https://blog.emsisoft.com/en/32277/from-...cker181120
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • jasonX
Thanks for the info and share here. That's a steal for $15 indeed! Or if your as cheap as me you can wait for our Emsisoft contest here coming soon! Cheers guys!
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to jasonX for this post:
  • browneylad, harlan4096
That's great news! thanks! Smile
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • browneylad

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