[Giveaway] Paint Studio 1.14 [for PC]
[Image: uwKPuam.jpg]
Do your artistic abilities tend towards natural media painting and drawing, but you’ve found all of the interfaces for most programs to be intimidating? Well, be intimidated no more, thanks to today’s discount software promotion, Paint Studio!
Paint Studio is a leaner version of TwistedBrush Pro Studio that offers a simpler interface geared towards natural media painting and drawing. With Paint Studio, you’ll still benefit from the same amazing graphics engine as its big brother but with a new slick interface that’s all you need, and nothing you don’t!
Imagine accessing the best natural media brushes on the market using an amazingly intuitive interface. This, and much more, is yours when you pick up a copy of Paint Studio today!

[Image: hKF2yNF.jpg]

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10


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  • harlan4096, silversurfer

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