Doctor Web’s February 2019 virus activity review
These are excerpts from Dr.Web News article about Dr.Web's February 2019 virus activity which shows a decreased number of threats found in email traffic and a spike of activity among adware, torrent clients and unwanted programs. Read on below.
In February Dr.Web’s statistics showed a 9.73% decrease in the number of unique threats compared to January. Malware activity this month barely topped the numbers of December 2018, but for some threats there are clear dynamics.
Quote:....For example, the activity of the JS.Miner.28 which had been increasing in January, continued to grow and finally outperformed its competitor - JS.Miner.11. At the same time, Trojan.Starter.7394 grew by 14.29% compared to January, when Trojan.DownLoader26.28109 on the other hand, had a three-fold decrease in the number of detected threats. Additionally, the amount of URLs added to Dr.Web’s database of non-recommended and dangerous websites decreased by 1.68%. And the technical support statistics registered a decrease in the number of applications submitted by the ransomware victims.
Threat of the month:
Installation adware that spreads outdated software and changes the browser's settings.
A torrent client designed to install unwanted programs on a user's device.
Trojan designed for launching other malicious software on a victim's device.
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