NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5
Quote:Finally, OSArmor v1.5 and its new website have been released:

This is the final changelog:
[12-Oct-2020] v1.5.0.0

+ Improved method to detect when Desktop has fully loaded
+ Added option to password-protect power options with Admin Credentials
+ Added option to update Exclusions.db from a remote URL
+ Added option to update CustomBlock.db from a remote URL
+ Added option to update OSArmor settings from a remote URL
+ Added option to automatically check and download new product updates
+ Added option to change connection settings using a proxy server
+ Added option to HTTP POST process-blocked events to a remote URL
+ Improved the pre-filled text of exclusion rule when button "Exclude" is clicked
+ Automated the product activation via setup.exe command-line parameter /LICENSEKEY=
+ Improved setup installation script (no more freezes)
+ Added many new internal rules to block suspicious behaviors
+ Added option to send blocked process events to Event Viewer
+ Fixed Block execution of unsigned processes on Temp folder
+ Fixed get of user Temp folder in specific situations
+ Fixed saving of UTF-8 unicode data in the .log file
+ Added new usable variables in CustomBlock and Exclusion rules
+ Added variable %RULENAME% in CustomBlock to name your custom rule
+ Added possibility to detect unsigned processes in CustomBlock and Exclusion rules
+ Updated FAQs (Helpt.txt) with new questions and answers
+ Updated program main icon and code to change system tray icons (pixel-perfect)
+ Updated default WAV sound used for alerting of process-blocked events
+ Added option "Don't show this notification again" on "process blocked" window
+ Manage list of processes present in the "Ignored notifications" list
+ Improved retrieval of Signer on Windows XP in particular situations
+ Improved Block rundll32.exe from using RegisterOCX
+ Improved block of Microsoft Edge
+ Improved anti-exploit module for Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based)
+ New options to block Windows Store, Cortana, System Settings, System Security UI, etc.
+ Added Prevent changing of windir via command-line
+ Added Prevent rundll32.exe from using -localserver
+ Added Prevent SettingSyncHost.exe from using -LoadAndRunDiagScript
+ Added Prevent RunDll32.exe from loading ctor.dll, LaunchSetup
+ Added Block execution of curl.exe
+ Added Prevent dctask64.exe injectDll/invokeexe/executecmd64
+ Added Block execution of sxstrace.exe
+ Added Block execution of winrs.exe
+ Added Block execution of ExtExport.exe (Internet Explorer)
+ Added Block execution of instnm.exe
+ Added Block processes executed from conhost.exe
+ Added Prevent cmd.exe from using "/c start" or "/r start"
+ Added Block processes executed from VirtualBoxVM.exe
+ Added Block processes executed from vmware-vmx.exe
+ Added Block execution of addinprocess/32.exe
+ Added Block execution of addinutil.exe
+ Added Protect Microsoft PDF Reader
+ Added Block execution of MicrosoftPdfReader.exe
+ Changed End User License Agreement (EULA)
+ Improved compatibility with Windows 10 2004
+ Fixed some false positives
+ Minor improvements

It took some more weeks than expected, but we are very happy with the results.

You can download and test OSArmor for 30-days without limitations in functionalities.

On the new website we tried to include as many information as possible (more will be added soon).

So guys, sorry for the very long delay, I hope you will like the new version!

As always feedbacks, critics, and comments are welcome =)

It would be preferred to first uninstall OSA 1.4.3 and then install OSA v1.5
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • dinosaur07
Quote:Released NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5.1:

Download OSArmor for Windows 7, 8, 10 (32 & 64-bit) | OSArmor

+ Added variable %MSIFILE% in CustomBlock and Exclusion rules
+ Added variable %MSISIGNER% in CustomBlock and Exclusion rules
+ Improved the pre-filled text of exclusion rule when button "Exclude" is clicked
+ Added Block regsvr32.exe from loading DLLs in user space
+ Added Block rundll32.exe from loading DLLs in user space
+ Added Block rundll32.exe from loading DLLs on SMB share
+ Added Block rundll32.exe from loading COM Server payload
+ Added Block execution of unsigned MSI installers
+ Fixed some false positives

If you have the auto-update option checked your OSA version will be upgraded automatically.

Else you can install this new version "over-the-top" (a reboot is not required).
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • dinosaur07
Quote:OSArmor has just been updated to v1.5.2:

+ NVT License Manager is not installed if OS is Windows XP
+ Updated method used to save the custom password
+ Custom password must now be at least 6 characters in length
+ Added option to select update frequency "every X minutes" on Enterprise features
+ Added support for HTTP redirects (max 3 redirects) on Enterprise features
+ Added support for ftp:// URLs on Enterprise features
+ Fixed Block execution of Windows Event Viewer
+ Fixed Block execution of .msc scripts outside System folder
+ Fixed all reported false positives
+ Minor improvements
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • dinosaur07
Quote:We've released OSArmor v1.5.3, here is the changelog:

[14-Jan-2020] v1.5.3.0

+ Improved management of protections rules in OSArmor Configurator
+ Added option to export/import protections rules, settings, all
+ Use exported .ini files with "Automatically update OSArmor settings from a URL"
+ Improved method to auto-update OSArmor settings from a URL
+ Added option to reset protections rules, settings, all
+ Added option to select protections profile (right-click on Configurator->Protections tab)
+ Added option to easily search protections rules
+ Added option to check/uncheck all protections rules
+ Added option to select protections rules group via a drop-down box
+ Previously exported settings (OSArmor.rules) will not work on this version
+ Updated NVT License Manager with latest version
+ Do not recreate Desktop icon after product has been upgraded
+ Fixed session ID issue involving Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
+ Added Block any process executed from web browsers
+ Added Block execution of popular web browsers
+ Added Block processes located on C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\*
+ Added Block execution of Resource File To COFF (cvtres.exe)
+ Merged many protections rules into single category-specific rules
+ Protections rules on Configurator have been reduced (merged) from 300 to 185
+ Improved automatic product update procedure
+ By default the setup creates a Desktop icon for all users on new installations
+ The desktop icon is not re-created in case it has been previously removed
+ Added /NODESKTOPICON parameter to use with setup.exe command-line
+ Various improvements in the installer script
+ Added new internal rules to block suspicious behaviors
+ Fixed all reported false positives
+ Minor improvements


* When installing this version it is required an active Internet connection
* This version will automatically apply basic protections rules after installed
* You may require to enable again your custom protections rules (checkboxes) on Configurator
* Now it is easier to manage protections rules via Configurator

NoVirusThanks OSArmor: An Additional Layer of Defense
[-] The following 4 users say Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • Decimuss, dhruv2193, dinosaur07, jasonX
Thanks for the update!!!!
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to jasonX for this post:
  • Decimuss, harlan4096
Quote:Released OSArmor v1.5.4.0:

[18-Jan-2020] v1.5.4.0

+ Added new internal rules to block suspicious behaviors
+ Fixed all reported false positives
+ Minor improvements

Blocks, for example, finger.exe (a new LOLBin), and much more.

Download OSArmor for Windows 7, 8, 10 (32 & 64-bit) | OSArmor
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • Decimuss, jasonX
Thanks for the heads-up!
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to jasonX for this post:
  • harlan4096
Quote:We've released a new version of OSArmor v1.5.5:

Download OSArmor for Windows 7, 8, 10 (32 & 64-bit) | OSArmor

Final changelog:

[02-Feb-2021] v1.5.5.0

+ Improved handling of licensing errors
+ The service is not terminated in case of licensing errors
+ Improved analysis of digitally signed processes
+ Improved detection of revoked certificates (network check)
+ Added tab "Trusted Vendors" in Configurator
+ Added button to scan system for vendors (signers)
+ Added button to open TrustedVendors.db file
+ Added button to reset Trusted Vendors to default list
+ Added Block signers not present in Trusted Vendors
+ Added Block processes signed with a revoked certificate
+ Added Block processes signed with an invalid certificate
+ Added Block processes signed with an expired certificate
+ Import a custom .ini settings file via setup.exe /IMPORTSETTINGS=
+ Added new internal rules to block suspicious behaviors
+ Improved installer and uninstaller scripts
+ Fixed all reported false positives
+ Minor improvements

User notice:

* You can install over-the-top
* If you installed test builds you should update to this final version
Quote:We've released a new version of OSArmor v1.5.7:

Download OSArmor for Windows 7, 8, 10 (32 & 64-bit) | OSArmor


+ Added more signers to Trusted Vendors list
+ Added new internal rules to block suspicious behaviors
+ Fixed all reported false positives
+ Minor improvements

User notice:

* You can install over-the-top
Quote:Just released OSArmor v1.5.8:

+ Added more signers to Trusted Vendors list
+ Added new internal rules to block suspicious behaviors
+ Fixed all reported false positives
+ Minor improvements

Download: Download OSArmor for Windows 7, 8, 10 (32 & 64-bit) | OSArmor
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • jasonX

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