[Giveaway] Text Edit Plus [PC]
[Image: tjqjGpb.jpg]
Edit text files, generate quick stats.
Text Edit Plus is a lightweight tool that enables users to easily create new text documents or to modify existing ones. The application is designed as an alternative to Notepad, by offering a wider set of features. Some of the features: Adding date and time. Changeability of background color and font properties. Encode and decode text. Combine lines. Command system for extracting the desired text. Delete empty lines. Delete same lines. Filter lines. Find and Replace. Full screen view. Generate e-mail list. Generate quick stats. Generate word list. Import picture as text (ASCII art). Insert numbers. Insert text into beginning or end of lines. Lowercase and uppercase conversion. Randomize lines. Reverse lines. Sort lines. Trim lines.


Terms and Conditions:-
-This is a 1-computer lifetime license, for noncommercial use
-No free updates; if you update the giveaway, it may become unregistered
-No free tech support
-You must download and install the giveaway before this offer has ended
-May not be resold

Technical Details:-
-Developed by Vovsoft
-Version is v5.4
-Download size is 2.01 MB
-Supports Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, and 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)

(Giveaway Duration: 7 Days)
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to ismail for this post:
  • harlan4096, silversurfer

Messages In This Thread
Text Edit Plus [PC] - by ismail - 04 July 19, 14:56
RE: Text Edit Plus 5.4[PC] - by ismail - 01 February 20, 19:50
RE: Text Edit Plus 5.4[PC] - by ismail - 27 February 22, 09:50
RE: Text Edit Plus [PC] - by ismail - 27 March 22, 19:47
RE: Text Edit Plus [PC] - by ismail - 02 October 22, 23:49
RE: Text Edit Plus [PC] - by ismail - 04 November 22, 21:30
RE: Text Edit Plus [PC] - by ismail - 28 December 23, 12:26

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