[Giveaway] Softdiv PDF to Image Converter 1.3 [ for PC]
[Image: 3842002softdiv-pdf-to-image-converter.jpg]

Softdiv PDF to Image Converter makes every PDF you will ever encounter more accessible:
Ever do this: work all day on a PDF? You get your images, your text, your graphs and charts, lay it out in the Bridge, export as a PDF, scroll through those pages, savoring the fruits of your hard work, celebrate by cleaning out your folders and then realizing you made a spelling mistake on page 37?
Ever do this: find an excellent PDF on growth in the bicycle industry in urban areas that is 98 pages long, mail it to someone with the subject line: just look at the chart on page 94, and receive the response 'too big to download. didn't look at it'?
Both of these situations have one solution: Softdiv PDF to Image Converter .
Softdiv PDF to Image Converter makes every PDF you will ever encounter more accessible by allowing you to convert pages into clear image files. JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF and others formats are supported.
No job is too large or too small for Softdiv PDF to Image Converter. You can convert single pages, whole PDFs or automate the conversion of an entire folder of PDFs! Even if you're not working--your computer should be. So get Softdiv PDF to Image Converter your all-access pass to PDF.


System Requirements:
Windows 2003, 2008, XP, Vista, 7 (32 and 64 bit), 8 (32 and 64 bit), 10 (32 and 64 bit)

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  • harlan4096, Toligo

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Softdiv PDF to Image Converter 1.3 [ for PC] - by ismail - 09 January 20, 15:25

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