NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5
Quote:We've released OSArmor v1.5.3, here is the changelog:

[14-Jan-2020] v1.5.3.0

+ Improved management of protections rules in OSArmor Configurator
+ Added option to export/import protections rules, settings, all
+ Use exported .ini files with "Automatically update OSArmor settings from a URL"
+ Improved method to auto-update OSArmor settings from a URL
+ Added option to reset protections rules, settings, all
+ Added option to select protections profile (right-click on Configurator->Protections tab)
+ Added option to easily search protections rules
+ Added option to check/uncheck all protections rules
+ Added option to select protections rules group via a drop-down box
+ Previously exported settings (OSArmor.rules) will not work on this version
+ Updated NVT License Manager with latest version
+ Do not recreate Desktop icon after product has been upgraded
+ Fixed session ID issue involving Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
+ Added Block any process executed from web browsers
+ Added Block execution of popular web browsers
+ Added Block processes located on C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\*
+ Added Block execution of Resource File To COFF (cvtres.exe)
+ Merged many protections rules into single category-specific rules
+ Protections rules on Configurator have been reduced (merged) from 300 to 185
+ Improved automatic product update procedure
+ By default the setup creates a Desktop icon for all users on new installations
+ The desktop icon is not re-created in case it has been previously removed
+ Added /NODESKTOPICON parameter to use with setup.exe command-line
+ Various improvements in the installer script
+ Added new internal rules to block suspicious behaviors
+ Fixed all reported false positives
+ Minor improvements


* When installing this version it is required an active Internet connection
* This version will automatically apply basic protections rules after installed
* You may require to enable again your custom protections rules (checkboxes) on Configurator
* Now it is easier to manage protections rules via Configurator

NoVirusThanks OSArmor: An Additional Layer of Defense
[-] The following 4 users say Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  â€˘ Decimuss, dhruv2193, dinosaur07, jasonX

Messages In This Thread
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5 - by harlan4096 - 12 October 20, 08:48
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5.1 - by harlan4096 - 20 October 20, 06:49
NoVirusThankls OSArmor v1.5.2 - by harlan4096 - 04 December 20, 08:43
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5.3 - by harlan4096 - 15 January 21, 16:26
RE: NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5 - by jasonX - 15 January 21, 17:26
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5.4 - by harlan4096 - 18 January 21, 18:16
RE: NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5 - by jasonX - 19 January 21, 14:03
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5.5 - by harlan4096 - 05 February 21, 07:13
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5.7 - by harlan4096 - 17 April 21, 06:07
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5.8 - by harlan4096 - 15 June 21, 06:32
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5.9 - by harlan4096 - 07 August 21, 06:21
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.6 - by harlan4096 - 15 September 21, 06:34
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.6.6 - by harlan4096 - 17 December 21, 06:49
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.6.7 - by harlan4096 - 20 December 21, 16:40
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.6.8 - by harlan4096 - 09 February 22, 06:59
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.6.9 - by harlan4096 - 07 April 22, 05:41
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.7.2 - by harlan4096 - 28 June 22, 18:15
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.7.3 - by harlan4096 - 03 July 22, 16:19
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.7.5 - by harlan4096 - 15 July 22, 11:46
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.7.6 - by harlan4096 - 17 July 22, 15:16
RE: NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.5 - by jasonX - 19 July 22, 06:09
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.7.7 - by harlan4096 - 23 July 22, 15:45
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.8.1 - by harlan4096 - 26 September 22, 06:12
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.8.2 - by harlan4096 - 15 January 23, 07:19
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.8.3 - by harlan4096 - 31 January 23, 06:51
NoVirusThanks OSArmor vv.8.4 - by harlan4096 - 16 February 23, 09:50
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.8.5 - by harlan4096 - 21 March 23, 07:03
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.9.1 - by harlan4096 - 11 December 23, 10:05
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.9.3 - by harlan4096 - 03 February 24, 07:31
NoVirusThanks OSArmor v1.9.5 - by harlan4096 - 24 February 24, 08:25
NoVirusThanks OSArmor 1.9.6 - by harlan4096 - 28 February 24, 16:32
NoVirusThanks OSArmor 1.9.7 - by harlan4096 - 12 March 24, 08:08
NoVirusThanks OSArmor 1.9.8 - by harlan4096 - 08 April 24, 14:46
NoVirusThanks OSArmor 1.9.9 - by harlan4096 - 18 May 24, 06:00

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