30 June 21, 06:28
Quote:Microsoft PowerToys v0.41.3:
Change logGeneral
- Shortcut guide removed support for long
Quote:Winpress to activate. Now supports
Quote:Win + ?by default
- Turned off FancyZones canvas editor magnetic snapping to allow keyboard support
- Updated Color Picker GIF for OOBE. Thanks @niels9001!
- Removed outdated MSIX code
- Upgraded all projects to Modern WPF 0.94
- Dropped support for the module interface API to save settings
- Removed Winstore dependency
- Improved auto-update experience in PowerToys Settings
- Updated general bug report information to be more robust
- Improved settings layout for radio button groups. Updated images and menu for OOBE. Thanks @niels9001!
- Localization updates
Color Picker
- New Awake utility added! Power-Users can now keep their computer awake on-demand without having to manage its power settings. Huge thank you to @dend
- Improvements to Color Picker’s zoom functionality. Thanks @DoctorNefario
- Prevent duplicate colors from appearing in selection history
- Improved UX to better support keyboard navigation. Thanks @niels9001!
- Fixed OOBE hotkey description. Thanks @coc0a
File Explorer Add-Ons
- Full keyboard support for canvas editor's main window and context. Thanks @niels9001
- New support for faster layout selection by double clicking a desired layout from the editor to automatically apply it and dismiss the editor.
- New zone activation behavior allows users to snap a window to the zone who's center is closest to the cursor. Thanks @ulazy1!
- Added process icon for FancyZones.
- Fixed issue with zoning minimized windows.
- Fixed a bunch of accessibility bugs
- Now an independent exe, detached from the runner process.
Image Resizer
- Adjusted Markdown newline behavior to be less strict so the add-on behaves more like GitHub implementations
Image Resizer
- Fixed bug with custom size option where leaving a height/width value blank caused the output to be a 1 x 1 square pixel. Now the blank value automatically adjusts to the height/width that was set.
- Fixed bug where specifying a width but no height generated a 1x1 px image instead of auto-adjusting the height. Thanks @davidegiacometti!
PowerToys Run
- Fixed File Explorer crash when running PowerRename
Settings / Welcome to PowerToys
- Multiple crashing bugs resolved.
- New Unit Converter plugin! Activate in the query prompt with the default activation phrase
Quote:%%. Ex:
Quote:%% 10 ft in m. Thanks @jsoref and @ThiefZero!
- New Windows Settings plugin! Search for specific Windows settings from PowerToys Run by utilizing the default activation phrase
Quote:$followed by the desired setting. Ex:
Quote:$ Add/Remove Programsor
Quote:$ Device:. Thanks @TobiasSekan and @htcfreek.
- Updated the URL plugin to enable quickly launching the default browser with the action keyword, which defaults to
- Added remainder/modulo support for Calculator plugin via
- Faster launching from improved Win32 program indexing. Thanks @royvou!
- Search text results now highlight matched characters from input. Thanks @niels9001!
Shortcut Guide
- Fixed Color Picker’s key-binding information
- Customize key-binding from settings menu
- Took Shortcut guide out of the runner process to remove unnecessary interdependencies
- Updated .NET Core dependency to 3.1.15
- Reduced the network traffic by making the updater not download files when they're already cached