EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional_Reliable Data Recovery Tool
Latest version build is EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional v18.0  
(April 28, 2024)

  • Offered brand new user interface
  • Supported to recover to Cloud
  • Fixed some bugs

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Revision History HERE

WinPE USB Bootable Drive Creation of version 18

Kindly see the images below of the USB bootable drive creation for EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional v18.0  (April 28, 2024)

[Image: 9bmazvC.gif]

Creation process seems to be the same though I encountered only 1 failure while creating the USB bootable drive. 

[Image: TpYuXzs.jpeg]

Same issue encountered here (with version 17). USB bootable drive shows empty.

[Image: Ns4rBNW.gif]

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Pro version 18 still downloads the "ImagePE.iso" during the creation of the USB bootable drive. Same location (root directory). The actual creation seems not to push through as it STILL shows an empty USB drive. Issue is STILL unresolved. 

There is STILL no communication on the supposed "remote session video" to prove that their (EaseUS) USB bootable drive creation does not fail. 

So, the downloaded "ImagePE.iso" is the version 18 WinPE and you can just use "Ventoy" (or whatever you prefer) to make your own USB bootable drive or better yet include the "ImagePE.iso" in your own "Multiboot USB". 

As of the moment I am still waiting their response. 
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to jasonX for this post:
  • Decimuss, harlan4096

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RE: EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional_Reliable Data Recovery Tool - by jasonX - 24 May 24, 17:57

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