Android Security Patch for March 2019 Now Rolling Out with 45 Security Fixes
Quote:Google has released the March 2019's security patch for its Android 9.0 Pie mobile operating system to address various security vulnerabilities and other annoying issues reported by Pixel users lately.

The Android Security Patch for March 2019 update consists of the 2019-03-01 and 2019-03-05 security patch levels, which address a total of 45 security vulnerabilities affecting the Android Framework, Media Framework, Android System, Kernel and Qualcomm components, as well as Qualcomm closed-source components, and the Pixel Update Bulletin for March 2019, which fixes various issues for Pixel 3 users.

"The most severe of these issues is a critical security vulnerability in Media framework that could enable a remote attacker using a specially crafted file to execute arbitrary code within the context of a privileged process. The severity assessment is based on the effect that exploiting the vulnerability would possibly have on an affected device," reads the Android Security Bulletin for March 2019.

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