IT threat evolution Q3 2019. Statistics
[Image: malware-q3-2019-statistics-en-2.png]

These statistics are based on detection verdicts of Kaspersky products received from users who consented to provide statistical data.

Quarterly figures

According to Kaspersky Security Network:

* Kaspersky solutions blocked 989,432,403 attacks launched from online resources in 203 countries across the globe.
* 560,025,316 unique URLs were recognized as malicious by Web Anti-Virus components.
* Attempted infections by malware designed to steal money via online access to bank accounts were blocked on the computers of 197,559 users.
* Ransomware attacks were defeated on the computers of 229,643 unique users.
* Our File Anti-Virus detected 230,051,054 unique malicious and potentially unwanted objects.
* Kaspersky products for mobile devices detected:
- 870,617 malicious installation packages
- 13,129 installation packages for mobile banking Trojans
- 13,179 installation packages for mobile ransomware Trojans

Mobile threats

Quarterly highlights

In Q3 2019, we discovered an extremely unpleasant incident with the popular CamScanner app on Google Play. The new version of the app contained an ad library inside with the Trojan dropper Necro built in. Judging by the reviews on Google Play, the dropper’s task was to activate paid subscriptions, although it could deliver another payload if required.

Another interesting Trojan detected in Q3 2019 is Its main function is to “like” Facebook posts when instructed by its handlers. Interestingly, to make the click, the Trojan attacks the Facebook mobile app on the infected device, literally forcing it to execute its command.

In the same quarter, we discovered new FinSpy spyware Trojans for iOS and Android. In the fresh versions, the focus is on snooping on correspondence in messaging apps. The iOS version requires a jailbreak to do its job, while the Android version is able to spy on the encrypted Threema app among others.

Mobile threat statistics

In Q3 2019, Kaspersky detected 870,617 malicious installation packages.

Whereas in previous quarters we observed a noticeable drop in the number of new installation packages, Q3’s figure was up by 117,067 packages compared to the previous quarter.

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