[Giveaway] abylon BASIC [for PC]
[Image: 6869255abylon-basic-vgbk0.png]

Protect Your Sensitive Data During Storage and Transmission
There's no way to guarantee that your sensitive files and folders won't someday end up in the wrong hands. Either by loss or theft, or just leaving yourself logged in at the wrong time and place, you can still protect yourself by making sure that all of your important files are encrypted. And the best way to do this quickly and easily is by using today's discount software promotion, abylon BASIC!
abylon BASIC provides full protection of your files during storage and transmission through encryption. With abylon BASIC, you get to use a contextual menu in Windows Explorer to encrypt, sign, compress, search, copy, and move sensitive information. There's even an anti-keylogger function that chops up your password, or you can use images in place of cryptic passwords. Add to this the ability to copy and move files, search for files, and create compressed and encrypted ZIP archives, and abylon BASIC is clearly a true winner when it comes to your personal digital security!
It's amazing just how much benefit you'll get from abylon BASIC. Best of all, these benefits can travel with you wherever you go, thanks to the ability to install abylon BASIC on a USB thumb drive!

System Requirements:
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10

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  • harlan4096
abylon BASIC 22 for PC:
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to ismail for this post:
  • harlan4096
abylon BASIC 22.3 for PC:

[Image: 4fce977a263be096e1225b9db55ba1c4.png]

Encrypt your diaries, pictures or other secret documents easily!Various tools for file operations, such as access protection by encryption or copying and synchronizing.

- Use of the Blowfish (448 bit key length) and / or AES (256 bit key length) encryption algorithms
- Encrypted files can be opened and edited, with changes applied automatically
- Fast copying and moving of files and folders through optimized procedures and searching for files
- Multiple files or directories can be encrypted in one go
- Easy access through integration into the File Explorer or by means of a wizard
- New The cause for partially occurring crashes during copying could be fixed. .


OS:Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10

[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to ismail for this post:
  • harlan4096
abylon BASIC 22 for PC:

[Image: 4fce977a263be096e1225b9db55ba1c4.png]

Encrypt your diaries, pictures or other secret documents easily!Various tools for file operations, such as access protection by encryption or copying and synchronizing.

Features :
  • Encryption with passwords, certificates, chip cards, CDs or USB Sticks
  • 448 Bit Blowfish or 256 Bit AES Encryption algorithm
  • Compression (ZIP-Format)
  • Optimise copy and move files
  • Digital Envelope and signature
  • Complete integration in the File Explorer

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10

[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to ismail for this post:
  • harlan4096

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