NoVirusThanks SysHardener v2.0
Quote:We've released SysHardener v2.0.

It is now part of Appsvoid software applications and it runs in 30-days free trial.

It has been rewritten from scratch and has a lot of improvements:
[06-Sep-2022] - v2.0.0.0

+ Improved support for Windows 11
+ Application is no longer signed with SHA1 code signing certificate
+ Application has been completely rewritten
+ Added ASLR + DEP support
+ Improved management of available Windows tweaks
+ Added many new Windows Firewall rules
+ Added new Windows tweaks for Windows 10 and Windows 11
+ Added right-click popup menu on the listview
+ Added popup menu option Apply This and Restore This
+ Updated and improved available command-line parameters
+ Fixed some Windows 10 tweaks that were not working correctly
+ Improved support for high-DPI
+ Font Segoe UI is now used on all UI elements
+ Added support for a dark theme if Windows Dark Mode is enabled
+ By default the program runs in 30-days trial mode
+ Automate product activation via setup.exe command-line /LICENSEKEY=
+ Integrated NoVirusThanks License Manager
+ Improved installer/uninstaller script
+ Changed End User License Agreement (EULA)
+ Minor fixes and optimizations

You can now apply or restore a single selected rule by right-click on the rule and then click on "Apply This" or "Restore This" (very useful). It now fully supports Windows 11, we improved support with Windows 10, it has many new up-to-date OS hardening tweaks and Windows Firewall rules, you can search for a rule via the search box, it has two pre-defined profiles (Home User and Office Business User), we added important privacy-related rules, many new file types can now be unassociated making them mostly harmless for the end user, we updated the command-line parameters available, and much much more.
Quote:We've released SysHardener v2.1:

Here is what's new:
[14-Sep-2022] - v2.1.0.0

+ Added new Windows security tweaks
+ Disabled some tweaks on the Home User profile
+ Improved installer/uninstaller script
+ Minor fixes and optimizations

We've added new firewall rules and new options to unassociate more file types (e.g .msi, .msp, .vhd, etc).

The Core Isolation, LSP Protection and Svchost.exe Mitigation options are now unchecked on Home User profile (they may create issues with Steam games and other security software, so we made them optional and not auto-checked on Home User profile).
Quote:Here is the changelog:
[25-Sep-2022] - v2.2.0.0

+ Added new privacy tweaks
+ Updated NVT License Manager with latest version
+ Minor fixes and optimizations

New privacy tweaks are:

Turn Off Spellcheck Highlight and Autocorrect Misspelled Words
Turn Off Typing Insights
Turn Off Spellcheck for Languages on Microsoft Edge
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • ismail
Quote:We've released SysHardener v2.3:

Here is what's new:

[19-Oct-2022] - v2.3.0.0

+ Updated Help file
+ Added new Windows security tweaks
+ Improved restoring to defaults of some Windows tweaks
+ Added new privacy tweaks
+ Added options to uninstall default Windows Apps
+ Moved SysHardener to its own website
+ Improved installer/uninstaller script
+ Updated Home and Business profiles
+ Minor fixes and optimizations
The product has been moved on its own website and the price is now $7.99 for Personal and $14.99 for Business (you get a 10% off coupon code if you subscribe to the newsletter).

We've also increased the discounts for 2+ devices, e.g for 3 devices the pricing is $17,97 and for 5 devices $25,95 (Personal version).

If you subscribed to Appsvoid only for SysHardener then just contact me via email and I can fully refund Appsvoid subscription.

Here are the new available tweaks:

Completely Uninstall OneDrive
Hide Shutdown Button from Lock Screen
Turn Off Spellcheck provided by Microsoft Editor on Microsoft Edge
Turn Off Search Highlights
Turn Off Widgets (News And Interests) & Windows Feeds
Unassociate .CPL File Extension
Uninstall Windows Apps
All tweaks can be restored to their factory-default values, same goes for OneDrive and Windows Apps (if you select to restore them they will be re-installed).

All tweaks work fine with latest Windows 11 22H2.

In this new version the option to show hidden and system files and the option to disable autoplay for any drive are unchecked in both Home and Business profile.

We received some emails about this suggestion so we decided to uncheck them in both profiles.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to harlan4096 for this post:
  • ismail
Quote:SysHardener v2.4 released:

+ Added new Windows Firewall rules
+ Fixed creation of restore point on Windows 11
+ Updated NVT License Manager with latest version
+ Updated Home and Business profiles
+ Updated Help file with more FAQs
+ Minor fixes and optimizations
+ Updated internal libraries

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