02 February 23, 13:15
Dear Readers!
We have just published a summary of the Advanced In The Wild Malware Test from the entire year 2022. We have awarded products - a special certificate for very good results. This is contingent on two points:
Finally, the "Product of the Year 2022" award goes to Avast, CatchPulse, Emsisoft, Xcitium (Comodo).
- Participation in all editions of the Advance In The Wild Malware Test.
- Block all samples in every edition of the test.
Full report in PDF: https://avlab.pl/en/wp-content/uplo...summary-by-avlab-cybersecurity-foundation.pdf
Website: Product Of The Year 2022: Summary Of Security Tests » AVLab Cybersecurity Foundation
By the way: we are working on feedback from the January 2023 round of testing, which we added a new feature to compare: a Remediation Time -> that is a TOTAL Time from download malware in the browser, through execution and detection at the end (quarantinned, behaviour blocked, cloud resposne, etc.).
And the second: we are gonna to publish a report from EDR-XDR test as visibility of red-teaming attacks in telemetry. Please, be patient!
Regards, Adrian [img][/img]