How to protect yourself from Bluetooth stalking and more
Quote:A step-by-step guide for those who may be tracked through stalker apps or wireless beacons.

[Image: airtag-and-stalkerware-protection-on-and...atured.jpg]

These days, it’s not just government agencies or private detectives who can spy on you. Tracking has become so easy and cheap that jealous spouses, car thieves, and even overly suspicious employers are doing it. They don’t have to peek around corners, hide in stores, or even get close to their target at all. A smartphone and a Bluetooth tracking beacon — like an Apple AirTag, Samsung Smart Tag or Chipolo — will do the job perfectly. According to one of the lawsuits filed against Apple, this method of spying is used in a variety of crimes —  from stalking ex-partners to planning murders.

Luckily for all of us, there’s protection! As part of Kaspersky’s anti-stalking campaign, we’ll explain how you could be tracked and what you can do about it.

Online and offline tracking

Surveillance of a victim is typically carried out in one of two ways.

Method one: purely software-based. A commercial tracking app is installed on the victim’s smartphone — we call this category of apps stalkerware or spouseware. Such apps are often marketed as “parental control apps”, but they differ from legitimate parental controls because the app’s activity is kept hidden after installation. Most often, the app is entirely invisible on the device, though sometimes it disguises itself as something innocuous, like a messenger, game or photo-gallery app. Stalker apps can repeatedly transmit the victim’s geolocation to a server, send messages and other confidential data from the device to an attacker, and even activate the microphone to record audio.

The main drawback of stalkerware for the attacker is the difficulty of installation — it requires gaining access to the victim’s unlocked smartphone for some time. That’s why, in many cases, especially when it’s an ex-partner or car thief doing the stalking, they use the other method.

Method two: a wireless beacon. A tracking device is planted on the victim. In a car, it might be hidden in an inconspicuous spot, such as behind the license plate; for a person, the tracker could be slipped into a bag or among other personal items.

Originally, Bluetooth trackers — small devices about the size of a coin — were invented to help locate lost belongings such as keys, wallets or luggage. However, if planted on a target, their movements can be tracked in near real-time using a special app. Incidentally, many of today’s Bluetooth headphones also have built-in tracking functionality to make them easier to find — and these too can be used for stalking. So, if you happen to find a pair of fancy headphones lying around, don’t start thinking it’s your lucky day — they may have been deliberately planted in order to track your movements, even after you pair them with your own smartphone.

Tracking technology works even if the beacon is well beyond the Bluetooth range of the stalker’s smartphone: other smartphones help locate the “lost” item. Many of the latest Android and iOS devices report the location of nearby visible beacons to the central servers of Google or Apple. As a result, these tech giants are able to locate any beacon if there’s any modern Bluetooth-enabled smartphone with internet access nearby.

The most popular beacon is still the Apple AirTag, and Apple has gone to a lot of trouble since the first product launch to protect users from malicious use of the tracker. The latest AirTags start beeping to attract attention if they remain away from their owner’s smartphone for too long. However, attackers can easily bypass this protection by damaging the speaker on the tracker. Such hacked tags with disabled speakers can even by bought — easily.

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