08 March 19, 11:18
Every new Windows 10 or Windows Server release makes changes to existing features. Some of these features are removed entirely from new versions of the operating systems, others may be deprecated.
Deprecation means that the feature remains available in the release but is not developed actively anymore. Microsoft may release security updates for it if it becomes necessary, but it won't release feature updates for deprecated products anymore.
Windows Server 2019 is no exception to the rule. Note that the list that follows is subject to change.
Windows Server 2019: removed and deprecated features
The following features are removed in Windows Server 2019.The following features change significantly
- Distributable Scan Management (SCM), also known as Business Scanning -- removed because of a lack of devices that support the feature (Microsoft states none support it).
- Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) -- used to interaction between iSNS servers and clients. Microsoft suggests to use Server Message Block (SMB 3.0) instead.
- Print Components (Server Core) -- Microsoft enabled Print Components on Windows Server 2016 by default. In Windows Server 2019, Print Components are disabled by default in Server Core installations. Admins may install the component using the PowerShell cmdlet Install-WindowsFeature Print-Server.
- Remote Desktop Connection Broker and Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (Server Core) -- these roles require Server with Desktop Experience in Windows Server 2019 to be consistent with the requirement of Remote Desktop Session Host (RDSH).